Saturday, September 18, 2010

YOG: Rowing

This would be my last post on shooting YOG sports.=(
Rowing is very similar to canoing. Just that for canoing, you get to sit in the canoe and use both hands to paddle. But for rowing, you are kneeling downand using one hand to paddle your boat!

Caught this more interesting shot where the athelete went the wrong way into the other athelete's path during the competion!

Armband Number 083 signning of from the last time..

Monday, September 13, 2010

YOG: Canoing

No comments about canoing except GET A BIG, BIG, BIG, BIG, LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG, LONGGGGGG LENS!


Monday, September 6, 2010

YOG: Hockey


Hockey, is a sport that needs alot of han-eye coordination. For a photographer, you need to see these "on-coming tackles" from the atheletes.
At first, I could'nt seem to get the "tackling" shots properly. But slowly, I understood how the game is played and managed to capture some!=)
However, taking photos of sports is not just to capture the tackling shots, but to get more "interesting" shoots like this one and the one below.

I enjoyed shooting hockey the most!=)

083 signing off~

Sunday, September 5, 2010

YOG: Throws

Im back!=)

This time shooting throws!~

Its not easy shooting throws as there is a safety netting preventing people from getting hurt.

So what I did was to put the lens near the green netting, and try to focus.haha
If you noticed, you can see some green thingy by the sides of the photos. That's the netting!haha


Saturday, September 4, 2010

YOG: Swimming

Helloo!Sorry for the "late updates" on YOG.
There were some problems with blogger's auto post. So I'm reposting them and will change the dates.=)

So, this post is on swimming!=)

This guy is from Vietam!
I talked to his coach and guess what?
He owned MANY DSLRs!Including the D3s and D700 and many more!!So cool!!!

this post is quite off the topic.hahaa=p


Friday, September 3, 2010

YOG: Athletics [Track and Field]

A 100m sprinter.Running with all her might, hoping to bring home a gold medal~


Thursday, September 2, 2010

YOG: Athletics [Hurdles]

Number 083 is back in the game! This time, attempting to shoot hurdles!=)Herdles, a sport never achievable by me, yet looked so easy for the athletes.

Everyday without fail, I will see the same few athletes training and training and training. All the hardwork they put in, regardless of winning or losing, will not go to waste as its not always about the results,but more about the effort.=)

083 signing off~

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

YOG: Athletics [High Jump]

"Once upon a time, man tried to fly."
Yes, Young Photographer number 83 is back, and this time shooting high jump! High jump is a tough sport that requires a lot of muscles. Not only the arms and legs muscles, but also the stomach and back muscles!

I stared at her countless jumps, trying to jump across the targeted height for a while. Then, as she tried some more, I pressed my shutter even more.

Watching them try so hard makes me want to try harder to take nicer photos of them.
Oh well, I tried my best!=)

Number 083 signing off~