Braving the storm, I brought my camera out into the courts. I hope my old buddy won't die just like that. (There was a slight drizzle then it stopped.)Haha. Anyway, here are the shots.=)

Good thing I have some experience in shooting tennis now. The moment I stepped onto the courts, I up my ISO to 800. Now, at least I can see the tennis ball in the photo and the ball is ROUND!(some are still slightly deformed)

I also learnt to gauge when to press the shutter. As mentioned before, a tennis ball is the fastest ball in photography. Now when I see the player throw the ball in the air, I wait for about 2 seconds, then press the shutter!And, wah-la! I got the shot of the player serving AND the ball!

And again, I was lucky to get a shot like this, just like the time I shot the NUS tennis competition (featured in an older post).

The last time I shot doubles, I shoot them separately. This time, muahahahahaa!!I clever liao! I have two person in the photo!!! Now people will know that this is a doubles match! To be more precise, a MIXED double match!=p

Players each have their own character and habits. When you noticed that this particular player has the habit to make a certain move, you are in luck! This gives you more time/chances to take a perfect shot of that move/habit. Especially for a newbie like muah!=)
I was quite lucky to get this shot, because his eyes aren't covered by the racket!!Lucky~
Such a great day! Tennis daisuki~