Wednesday, July 13, 2011


How important is it to get the support of the other?
My answer is, VERY.

People work so hard just to hear that sentence; "well done, i'm proud of you". This support reassures them.

But when this support turns on your back and tells you in your face that YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT, this psychological impact is really great. It's so great that one may just give up forever.

People may say that those who give up are the ones with weak will. But I just want to state my main point; Support is Extremely important.

Support from your close and loved ones are the most important.
Sometimes all they want to hear, is just a mere sentence that proofs that they have done the family proud. And that they are not a loser.

Take my word for it. Support is very important. Be there for that person. Or you might just lose that person forever..

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Here are some photos I shot during my trip at Krabi~ Enjoy.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Spent my weekends shooting my club's camp in school. Took this photo at one of the game station.
It suddenly reminded me of this other photo..

Man spends more that 50% of his life waiting. waiting for the game to be over.. waiting to die.. Is life worth waiting for?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Director Photo Shoot

I was sent to do a photo shoot for my school's new director. And here's what i got.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A walk in the night

With all these stress in my life..i had to go out for a little walk...
Grabbing my 300s, tripod and amd new friend, the remote, i headed out. Here's some of my little destressing photos~

A friend of mine once said, "when you are feeling down, you should take a little walk. It will take some of your sadnees away.."
So if you too are feeling down, it means that its time for a walk!=)

Monday, January 17, 2011


Made a 4 day trip to Malaysia during the holidays!~ Here are some shots I have!~