The Singapore Young Photographers' Convention occured on the 5th of September. It is a compeition where photographers age 14-20 can participate. We were randomly split up into groups of 4, given a theme and asked to submit 4 photos and a 100 word extract about the photos(photo essay).
I was grouped with 3 guys from TP. They were great photographers. One of them brought their Macbook and shared the photos. His shots were AWESOME!
Anyway, the theme was MACABRE. (ultra chim!) Upon hearing the theme, the guys had lots of ideas:blood on flowers, dead man, fights,etc.. My head was blank...
Nevertheless, we got through the day and ended up with a 3rd prize. Yeah! (Anyone wants to buy a Canon Selphy ES 30 compact printer at $250?)
Here are the winning shots. Check out the rest of the winning entries at

I had lots of fun and made new friends. The entrie shoot was planned and excuted perfectly.Thanks Matthew, Bryan and Jin!
Here are some other shots:

What a great day!=)